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Basic Ceramic Finishes

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What do I need to know how to do, and why?


Processing through these challenges will help you understand the characteristics and abilities of your medium. Completing groundwork activities and skill builders continuously enhances your knowledge and helps you develop the essential skills to create your own artwork.  Deliberate practice helps you master those skills and makes you aware of issues before they become bigger problems in your final artwork.

Digital Response Option

1. Glaze Basics

Use the resources here to find answers to these questions & make notes in your sketchbook:

  • What must I apply to the feet/foot of items before glazing? Why?

  • What knowledge of glaze or glaze combinations do I need to know before you glaze bisqued pieces?

  • How many coats of glaze should I apply if I am brushing glaze onto my piece?

  • What information do I need to have for a kiln ticket to glaze a piece?

  • What else goes on the shelf with my glazed piece? Why?

Evidence of Learning:

  • Notes

  • Glazed Practice Pot

2. Painting with Acrylic on Ceramic

Use the resources here to find answers to these questions & make notes in your sketchbook:

  • What should I do to prepare my bisqued ware before painting? Why?

  • What is a good painting technique for heavily textured pieces? Why does this technique work so well?

  • What are primary and secondary colors? Why do I need to know about them?

  • What is the best way to clean and care for my brushes?

Evidence of Learning:

  • Notes

  • Paint Mixing Practice

  • Painted Practice Pot

3. Staining Ceramic with Watercolor

Use the resources here to find answers to these questions & make notes in your sketchbook:

  • What must be done to protect a watercolor finish on ceramic?

  • Why should watercolor staining be reserved only for decorative work?

  • What is the best way to get vibrant colors with watercolor staining?

  • When mixing colors, which color should you start with? Why?

Evidence of Learning:

  • Notes

  • Stained Practice Pot

Basic Ceramic Finishes


What skills/ strategies did you already know?​​ What was new?
What did you learn as a result of completing this groundwork?
What did you expect?  What surprised you?  

What went well for you?

What could you have done better? 
What do you conclude about using these processes & techniques? Why?
How will you use these skills/ strategies in the future?

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